The Czech is in the mail…

What’s happened to the Czech Republic’s hockey? They looked like they were involved in a scrimmage-gone-awry yesterday, losing 1-8 to the Canadians. At one point it sounded like the Canadian fans even took to singing and chanting much like a european football audience, something I wholeheartedly welcome.
But for the Czechs I’m left wondering where the heart is? There seems to be none of the cohesion and fire that ignited the strong teams from the communist era. Nothing stands out. Canada is never going to be an opponent one just walks over, but the gelding the Czechs took yesterday is an embarrassment and a horrible way to start off a tournament like this.
Do the Czechs miss the Slovaks?
They, I’m sure, have a new fan in a relatively untested Dustin Tokarsky, and a new name to put on their holiday list: John Tavares.


Filed under 5584

2 responses to “The Czech is in the mail…

  1. Tokarski.

    And I think after all the overlooking Toka has dealt with, now he will truly get to shine.

  2. cristobal


    Being a fan of LA I’ve wished the Kings would take a look at trying to acquire Toka, even mentioning how much you love him at wraparoundcurl on their main blog “inside the kings.”
    He sure wasn’t under too much pressure from the Czechs, though. I’m looking forward to seeing if he can get the gold when it gets interesting.

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